Fees per 4m x 4m Site
Regular weekly stall holder (3 missed markets within the year allowed): $30 / Month
Casual stall holder $30
Market Site
Regular weekly stall holder (3 missed markets within the year allowed): $30 / Month
Casual stall holder $30
Market Site
- The allocation of a market site is at the discretion of the MVCCI’s market co-coordinator
- Stall sites are 4m x 4m. Larger sites available upon request
- No pegs or stakes are to be used under any circumstances
- Market stalls are not to restrict public access to public facilities
- The stallholder must provide their own equipment including tent/umbrella, protective floor matting and matting under legs of marquees, tables, chairs, weights (sand bags) and wet weather protection
- All displays must be presented in a tidy and professional manner
- The stallholder must ensure their site is always attended, presentable, professional and safe and that they are courteous to management, other stallholders and visitors
- The stallholder must leave their site in a clean state and all waste must be removed. No liquid is to be discharged at the site eg. Ice and water from eskies
- All stall advertising to be restricted to the stall space and related to your products and name
- No political or religious signage, fliers, etc. are permitted at this market - MVCCI reserves the right to remove inappropriate signage
- While all care is taken, the Event organizer and the Facility owners accept no responsibility for loss or damage of product and/or equipment. It is up to the exhibitor to secure their own products
- Stall holders are required to provide a copy of their product and public liability insurance - Gympie Regional Council and MVCCI to be endorsed as interested parties – no insurance, no stall
- Food vendors are required to supply copies of their food license
- Whilst a food license is not required by a non-profit organisation** holding less than 12 stalls/markets/year, the non-profit organisation has an obligation to ensure that all persons undertaking food handling operations have appropriate skills and knowledge required to produce safe and suitable food. This means that the food handler has the ability to perform those tasks that are necessary to ensure the safety of the food being handled. The non-profit organisation is exempt from this requirement if the food sold is not potentially hazardous (e.g. biscuits, cakes without cream, jams) or the food is consumed immediately after thorough cooking (e.g. sausage on bread).
- All electrical equipment must be inspected, tested and tagged before introduced for use Piggy-back plugs and double adaptors are prohibited. Only power boards provided with an overload cut-out switchare to be used. Any cords on the ground must be covered to comply with safety standards
- All products offered for sale at the market must comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations
- Sites must be set up and ready to trade at least 30 minutes prior to the advertised opening time of the market andmust trade until the advertised closing time of the market
- All applications are subject to approval, if you do not receive approval, no correspondence will be entered into.
- Upon arrival from 6.30 am sites will be allocated – please notify MVCCI if you shall not be attending
- No animals allowed for sale / no dogs to be kept /tethered at stall
- MVCOC reserves the right to have a stall holder removed if the terms & conditions for a stall are not complied with